Real Life Article -- March 7, 2025

Real Life
With Pastor Steve
March 7, 2025
“Lord… wanting us to love people is good and all… but that person? Those people? That’s a stretch, don’t ya think?”
Be honest. We’ve all probably felt that a time or two with people in our lives, right? LOL. And it could be for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they hurt you or your family. Maybe they are just a mean spirited, rude person, and you’d rather not have to deal with them. Maybe their moral compass is broken, and we find their choices appalling. Maybe we’ve been influenced by our family or culture that a certain group of people are just “bad.” And we could give several more examples. And yet, when Jesus told us to love… he did not give us any exceptions.
That’s what a man named Ananias in first century Damascus found out. God told him to go and minister to someone who needed help, because he had just been struck blind. Easy enough, until he found out who it was. It was Saul… the guy that was on a mission to Damascus to arrest, imprison, and potentially kill him, and others like him… just had Saul had done in Jerusalem. Love him? Saul? Yes. God was in the process of changing Saul’s heart, and Ananias would be a part of that. And change, Saul did… to become the Apostle Paul. Partly, because Ananias chose to love… “that” person. And that’s … real life. ~ Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church
Eaglebrook Church
Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods
Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff