Real Life Article -- February 28, 2025

02.24.25 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life Article -- February 28, 2025

    Real Life

    With Pastor Steve

     February 28, 2025

    Sometimes… I think it takes a two-by-four to my head in order to get my attention! ~ Common figure of speech about stubbornness

      We all have a stubborn streak don’t we?  However, for some of us, our stubbornness crosses a line.  It’s no longer rational.  For example… we can get so zealous for a cause that we begin to justify the means to accomplish that cause – possibly even undermining what you are standing for.  Other times we just do not want to admit that we are wrong about something, so we continue down the path we’ve chosen to prove somehow we are still right. Still other times we are convinced that how we see the world, and how we are living … is nobody else’s business.

      Stubbornness.  Even in the face of people who love us, who are trying to give us just a hint of wisdom… a word of warning.  But sometimes it takes a two-by-four… not literally I hope… but something that causes us to stop and take notice.  Something that makes us realize we were wrong after all.  That is what happened to a guy named Saul in the first century.  He stubbornly held on to how he saw the world, persecuting anyone who disagreed.  Until… God got his attention, until he met the resurrected Jesus.  However, for both Saul, and us, what happens next is what is most important.  May we go from blind defiance to repentance, truth, and love And that’s … real life. ~ Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods

    Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff