Real Life Article -- March 14, 2025

Real Life
With Pastor Steve
March 14, 2025
Wow… things really do look different from over here! ~ the reality and beauty of a change of perspective
We all have our biases. It’s hard not to really. The problem is, our biases come with blind spots. But still, that doesn’t stop us from assuming that we know better, that if we were over there… things would be different. We do that often at our jobs, with our in-laws, with how our friends or family members raise their kids, or how we criticize decisions made by people in authority. We do that with how we view God.
What we all need from time to time is a change of perspective. The flip side is… then it becomes our turn to be criticized… but at least now we know why. Things really do look different from over here. A change of perspective answers a lot of questions, gives us more grace.
Nobody felt that more than the Apostle Paul in the 1st Century. Originally known as Saul of Tarsus, he violently persecuted anyone who saw Jesus as legitimate, as the Messiah, as someone who rose from the dead. His biases had blinded him. Rather than seeing Jesus as the fulfillment, he saw Jesus as a threat. Until Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus… which changed his perspective. His persecution stopped… but he began to be persecuted. The view really was different from here… but it was worth it. It’s worth it for you too! And that’s … real life. ~ Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church
Eaglebrook Church
Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods
Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff