Real Life Article - August 30, 2024

08.27.24 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life Article - August 30, 2024

    Real Life

    With Pastor Steve

    August 30, 2024


    Do you view you job, your hobbies, your activities as sacred… or non-sacred? 

      Sacred … not a word we use often… but it’s another word for holy… something that reflects the holiness of God. 

       So now… the answer may seem easy. Our first response is, “no.” Most of us automatically put jobs like “pastor” or “missionary,” or activities like “going to church” or “prayer” or “serving the poor” as sacred.

      Therefore, we put a job like “teaching” or “business owner,” or activities like “fishing” or “baseball” or even “sex” in the non-sacred category.  It just seems to make the most sense to us.

      However, can I tell you that through God’s eyes… He created us to live every part of our life as sacred, to view it all as sacred, to reflect the glory of God… not just the parts that seem “religious.”  There is not supposed to be a line, or a barrier between the sacred and secular… we’ve put it there. 

      Folks, Monday matters as much to God as Sunday… it’s just as holy.  So, on this Labor Day Weekend, remember – that your work, your job matters to God, all your activities matter to God.  Why? Because you matter, because you were created to glorify God in all you do… and Jesus has come to actually make that possible again.  Happy Labor Day Weekend! And that’s … real life. ~Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods

    Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff