Real Life Article -- October 18, 2024

10.14.24 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life Article -- October 18, 2024

    Real Life

    With Pastor Steve

    October 18, 2024


    Are we kind and generous because it’s who we are, and because it’s right… or … are we simply looking for a great “photo op?” 

       We all go through spurts… phases.  We’ll get a bit selfish and start to be critical… but then we start to feel guilty.  So, we go through a phase of kindness and generosity.  And if it is significant, then we want the credit, we want others to notice our “good works.” 

      But is that real?  Is it genuine?  Politicians are the most notorious in this area.  They will do about anything to “look” generous, kind, just to get elected.  It’s time for the “photo op,” but it’s all a façade. 

      You see, kindness and generosity are merely a show unless it’s honest… unless it comes from a changed heart, a heart of humility.   When we give, when we’re kind… just to impress someone… to give off a “good impression,” we are not being honest with ourselves or them.  And we certainly are not earning brownie points with God. The early church found that out the hard way in Acts chapter 5. 

       This world needs kind and generous people. May we be just that, but from a heart of honesty, from a heart changed by the love of Christ.     And that’s … real life. ~Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods

    Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff