Donate Items

Donate Items
New Item Donations Needed:
- Toothbrushes, Floss, Toothbrush covers, Non Medicated Lip Gloss
- Underwear, Socks, Clothing items
- Washcloths
- Combs, Hair Brushes, Hair ties
- Solar calculators
- Shoes and Flip Flops
- Sunglasses
- Jewelry and watches
- Balls
- Doll, Stuffed Animals, Toy Cars, Jump Ropes, Yo-Yos
- Pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, pencil cases
- School supplies, crayons, markers, stickers
- Notebooks and paper
- Coloring, Activity and Picture books
- Sewing Items to Make Mini Sewing Kits
- Fishing Items to Make Mini Fishing Kits
- Non medicated fun Band Aids
Used/recycled items needed to make crafts:
- Craft Supplies
- Wooden Clothes Pins
- Scrapbooking Paper
- Card Paper
- Stickers
- Beading Items
- String, Ribbon, Yarn, Elastic String
- Paper of any kind
- CD’S Or DVD’s
- Contact Paper
- Marbles
- Notebooks with blank paper still inside
- Used/ Unused School Supplies
- Paperclips
- Sewing Items
- Fishing Items
- Anything of good quality that may be able to be repurposed for us to make items
If you have any ideas or questions, please contact Jennifer at